
Pedro Henrique Saboya


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the poster does a critic on russia's leader by mimicking the game wordle, in which the player has to guess a 5 letter word by writing other 5 letter words, then guessing again with the clues the game gives you on the word you just typed (gray means the letter isnt in the final word, yellow means it is, but its in the wrong position, and green means its correct). In this case, the final word is Putin, and all of the wrong guesses are 5 letter words that could also describe him very well, at least by most people.
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We Stand With Ukraine

We Stand With Ukraine

There is little that we can say about the horrendous situation in Ukraine that might make a difference. But we hope there is something that we can do to help.

To show our solidarity with Ukraine, we offer our platform to receive all the posters made by designers across the world addressed to this cause. By hosting these posters on our database, we hope the posters will get increased visibility and form a resource that people going to demonstrations around the world can use to show their solidarity for Ukraine.

For more information / If you would like to upload a poster, see the project page on our website.



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