Audrey Eaden

United States

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This poster has 100 characters (not including punctuation). Each character represents one percent of the population. The space the characters occupy on the poster is equitable to the wealth that their respective percentage holds. According to Credit Suisse's most recent report on global wealth inequality, 1% of the population owns 48% of the wealth. The "I" is meant to represent the one percent (as it is the roman numeral for the number one) and is therefore allotted almost half of the poster (33.6 cm). The next 20 characters own 46% of the wealth (32.2 cm on the poster). So on and so forth. The poorest 50% of the population own 1% of the worlds wealth, and so half of the characters are forced to share only .7 centimeters on the poster.
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Make Extremism History

poster for tomorrow, the international poster competition, is proud to announce the launch of its 2016 edition: This year we're going to do things a little differently. It's about evolution, not revolution.


If Wealth Inequity Were A Sentence

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