Esteban Granados


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43 students of the Escuela Normal Rural de Ayotzinapa (teacher’s school) in Oaxaca, Mexico are missing since 26 September 2014. The government built the official version of events that soon after was denied to the report of the Interdisciplinary Group of Independent Experts, assigned by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. Research shows that events raised by the government in the "historical truth" never occurred. The number 43 has become a symbol of demand and claim for more than 27 thousand missing because of violence and impunity in Mexico. ¡Vivos se los llevaron, vivos los queremos! (Alive took them, alive we want!)
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Make Extremism History

poster for tomorrow, the international poster competition, is proud to announce the launch of its 2016 edition: This year we're going to do things a little differently. It's about evolution, not revolution.


Nos faltan 43

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