The extremist flag is B3 the “Crusades Flag”. Christian Crusades from all over Europe
killed approximately as many people as Americans did during the Vietnam War and it is
estimated that 1.7 million people died due to the three Crusades that took place
in Jerusalem.
The fact that most of you thought C2 was the extremist flag is a symptom of a disease
called stereotypical thinking. Illiteracy and misinformation that are fueled by the media
every day, contribute to the cancerous progression of this social disease.
Get literate. Do not make irrational conclusions. Educate yourself. Don’t go by the looks.
This poster belong to
Make Extremism History
poster for tomorrow, the international poster competition, is proud
to announce the launch of its 2016 edition: This year we're going to do
things a little differently. It's about evolution, not revolution.