
José Isaac Cortés López


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La atención primaria de salud: comprende, cuando menos las siguientes actividades: educación sobre los problemas de salud y sobre los métodos de prevención y de luchas correspondientes, la promoción del suministro de alimentos y de una nutrición apropiada; abastecimiento adecuado de agua potable y saneamiento básico; asistencia materno-infantil, con inclusión de la planificación familiar; inmunización contra las principales enfermedades infecciosas; la prevención y lucha contra las enfermedades endémicas locales; tratamiento apropiado de las enfermedades y los traumatismos comunes; y suministro de medicamentos esenciales. Alma Ata, Declaración DECLARACIÓN DE ALMA-ATÁ Declaración Alma-Atá 12-09-78 The primary care of health: he understands, when fewer following activities: education on the problems of health and on the methods of prevention and of corresponding fights, the promotion of the food supply and of an appropriate nutrition; suitable supply of drinkable water and basic reparation; mother - infantile assistance, with incorporation of the familiar planning; immunization against the principal infectious diseases; the prevention and fight against the endemic local diseases; appropriate treatment of the diseases and the common traumatism; and I supply of essential medicines. Alma Atá Declaration, 12-09-78
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Right to healthcare

poster for tomorrow, the international poster competition, is proud to announce the launch of its 2015 edition: Open Up! Universal access to healthcare now!

Every year poster for tomorrow chooses a basic human right to address. In 2015 it’s the universal right to healthcare


Water for Health.

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