In 2011 we’re running a series of workshops across Africa to give young African designers the chance to work with some of the leading designers in the world.
Why Africa? Because although we’re fighting for the right to education across the whole world, and it’s an issue that’s as pressing in the West as anywhere else, Africa is as good a place to start as any.
And why young designers? Because we believe passionately that young people are the future of the world, and that with these workshops we can provide young African designers with a set of tools and contacts that will give them better access to the international market, and to set up a longer term platform for design in their own countries.
poster for tomorrow in Morocco
The first of our workshops in Africa will be held at the Ecole supérieure des arts visuels (ESAV) in Marrakech, Morocco from Monday March the 21st to Friday March 25th. 
It will be given by Will and Tommaso, two of the founders of poster for tomorrow. The best posters produced during this, and the following workshops, will be included in a special feature in the 2011 poster for tomorrow book. 
poster for tomorrow in Ghana
The next workshop we’re pleased to confirm is at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology in Accra, Ghana. The workshop will be given by Natalia Delgado and will take place from Monday April the 4th to Friday April the 8th. Huge thanks go out to the University of Victoria, British Columbia for helping to make this possible! 
More details (and photos) from both workshops will be posted as soon as possible.