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Equal dialogue is an important symbol of a country's democracy and sound legal system. The Iranian authorities have not given an answer to the incident of violence against women, and have not conducted dialogue with the public in an equal manner.(平等的对话是一个国家民主与法制健全的重要标志,伊朗当局针对暴力伤害女性事件并未给民众一个交代,并没有用平等的姿态与民众进行对话。)
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We Stand With Iranians

We stand with Iranians!
Fight for Human Rights, Fight for Women’s Rights!
On 16 September 2022, a 22-year-old Iranian gril, Mahsa Amini, died in Tehran, Iran, due to (Islamic Militia - Ershad) police brutality.

© AFP via Getty Images


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