
Tsuang Wei Huang


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「吸菸一時爽,全家火葬場」、 「吸菸一時爽,傷身又害嗓」、 「吸菸一時爽,心肺像戰場」。 Smoking is good, everyone is on fire, Smoking is good, hurting your body and voice, Smoking is good, make your lung and heart like after battlefield” Deliver these ideas without losing fun, professional, and cordial feeling.
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Do The Right Thing

In a world that is becoming increasingly polarised, perhaps the one thing that unites us all is the conviction that we are all acting for the right reasons. And having formed an opinion about an issue, there is little room to have it changed by listening to an opposing view. Fake news has eroded trust in facts. So how can we move forward?


Good things about smoking

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