Michelle Wong

United States

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For this poster, the concept is about how global warming is consuming the world gradually. I used a picture of a bitten apple to represent the world as a whole. The bite marks are representing how global warming has affected it over the years. The phrase, “a bad apple” refers to the saying where in every bunch of apples always has a bad one, and in this case, in the entire galaxy, the earth is that “apple”. We are creating more landfill more and more everyday, pollution from all the driving and smoking has affected the animals in their own habitat and will eventually go on to the entire world. We need to prevent this from happening soon so this poster is attempting to raise awareness on the issue and how the future of the world can change if we change our lifestyles.
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A Planet for tomorrow

Welcome to our 2018 edition!
It will be a year of significant change for us: the final edition of our poster contest in its current form. You can find the reasons for this decision here, together with the announcement of this year's them. On a practical level, the schedule for the poster contest has condensed into seven months.


A Bad Apple

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