Freedom gives us strength, it is better to build bridges in the place of walls, because we can share culture, traditions, experiences, knowledge and contribute to society regardless of our place of origin.
When humans do not have chains, they can fly and fulfill their dreams. That is why it is necessary for everyone in the world to strive for the freedoms that lead to peace, development and justice.
La libertad nos da fortaleza, es mejor construir puentes en lugar de muros, porque así podemos compartir cultura, tradiciones, experiencias, conocimientos y aportar a la sociedad sin importar nuestro lugar de origen.
Cuando el ser humano no tiene cadenas, entonces es libre, puede volar y cumplir sus sueños. Por eso es necesario que todos en el mundo pugnemos por las libertades que nos conduzcan a la paz, desarrollo y justicia.
This poster belong to
Freedom of Movement
In last year's brief we talked about "a world where boundaries are becoming less and less meaningful. Now more than ever, we are one people. No matter where we live, we are all equally powerless in the face of war or environmental disaster."