Mikyla Parsons


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I created the slogan ‘DIVERGENT FOR BENEFIT’ because it is alternate to ‘differing for your benefit’. My slogan conveys that ‘different’ is good because we (humans) can learn from new ideas, new cultures, traditions, war, environmental disaster because these things are what make our world and planet a special place. I used the theme of space/ galaxy because it is so vast and there are so many places to go, to see and not even we know where it ends… Diverting through space you take different courses and you see different things and like my poster the colours are dissimilar and the shapes are different sizes, like people of different nationalities who bring colour and a variety of life to the world. If the galaxy were to build a wall to keep stars and planets away then what would be left? (like the brief indicates) it will only descend into darkness. Without new additions to our world, what will our planet have? I know how I’d finish this sentence… Do you?
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Freedom of Movement

In last year's brief we talked about "a world where boundaries are becoming less and less meaningful. Now more than ever, we are one people. No matter where we live, we are all equally powerless in the face of war or environmental disaster."


Divergent for Benefit

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