The name indicates that the statue is a symbol of freedom. The idea of building a statue in honor of Liberty, is the first meaning of a desire to magnify the Freedom in the World face the oppressors, whoever they are. The original statue illustrate a woman waving a torch for a symbol of resistance and on itself freedom is expressed in the form of chains of slavery, smashed, at his feet. the famous crown of rays represent the seven seas in the world. The inscription on the tablet of the statue is the day of the declaration of independence of the United States. It was the gateway to the United States for decades. Since President Trump chose to close borders and build walls to keep foreigners out, the statue isn't a liberty symbol anymore. The poster represent instead of chains of slavery, smashed, at his feet, the statue is itself attached to the ankle by a cannonball and the inscription on the tablet of the statue is the day Trump chose to remove the freedom of mouvement of foreigners to a new country in search of a safer place to live.
This poster belong to
Freedom of Movement

In last year's brief we talked about "a world where boundaries are becoming less and less meaningful. Now more than ever, we are one people. No matter where we live, we are all equally powerless in the face of war or environmental disaster."