
Elena Ferreri


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Il movimento è continuo, insito dentro di noi: protesi nello spazio per conoscere, per esplorare ciò che ancora è ignoto. Le barriere non sono che ostacoli da superare, montagne e fiumi costruite dagli uomini. Il bambino, futuro uomo, si ribella e le attraversa, occupando porzioni di terra senza nome. Movement is continuos and innate within us: projected towards portions of space in order to learn, to explore what is still unknown. Barriers are nothing but obstacles to be overcome, mountains and rivers built by human beings. The child, the future man, naturally rises up and crosses them, occupying unnamed land portions.
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Freedom of Movement

In last year's brief we talked about "a world where boundaries are becoming less and less meaningful. Now more than ever, we are one people. No matter where we live, we are all equally powerless in the face of war or environmental disaster."


Born to be Free

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