Kathryn Myers

United Kingdom

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The poster visualises the notion of being of ‘blinded by hate’, using sunglasses comprising of weapons. I have used a generic individual of no faith, race or gender and have placed the silhouette against rays of the sun, depicting ‘the light’. If the sunglasses were removed i.e. if the weapons and hate were taken away, the extremist would be able to see the light, revealing the hurt and bloodshed caused by their hatred and violence. Placing the weapons in this way also portrays violence and hate in the very mind of the extremist. I included a blood red tear to add a sense of sadness to the image, helping to reinforce the statement being portrayed by the poster.
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Make Extremism History

poster for tomorrow, the international poster competition, is proud to announce the launch of its 2016 edition: This year we're going to do things a little differently. It's about evolution, not revolution.


Extremism, it's time to see the light

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