
Fabian Emmanuel Muñoz


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Health is not a game, it shows that in the real world we have only one life and must be cared for, given the strong interest in society all the electronics and technology, with this poster is intended to refer to this sector and underline the importance of health care, but we must be aware that life is not a game, so an interesting relationship between the game and life is generated. La salud no es un juego, muestra que en el mundo real solo tenemos una vida y hay que cuidarla, considerando el gran interés que despierta en la sociedad toda la electrónica y la tecnología, con este cartel se pretende hacer referencia a este sector y subrayar la importancia que tiene el cuidado de la salud, pero debemos estar conscientes de que la vida no es juego, por eso se genera una relación interesante entre el juego y la vida.
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Right to healthcare

poster for tomorrow, the international poster competition, is proud to announce the launch of its 2015 edition: Open Up! Universal access to healthcare now!

Every year poster for tomorrow chooses a basic human right to address. In 2015 it’s the universal right to healthcare


Health is not a game

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