
Fabian Emmanuel Muñoz


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Technological and medical advances, should be shared around the world through international and government cooperation, since in most cases they are used by a small sector of society, leaving aside the marginalized and without resources. That is why the poster reflects the base of merged globe to a microscope, to mean that all science and technology invested in the field of medicine it is inclusive and shared around the world, regardless of social class, or religion or ethnicity. Los avances tecnológicos y médicos, deben ser compartidos en todo el mundo, mediante la cooperación internacional y de los gobiernos, ya que en la mayoría de los casos son aprovechados por un pequeño sector de la sociedad, dejando a un lado a las personas marginadas y sin recursos. Es por ello que el cartel refleja la base del globo terráqueo fusionada a un microscopio, para dar a entender que toda la ciencia y tecnología invertida en el campo de la medicina sea incluyente y se comparta en todo el mundo, sin importar clases sociales, ni religión, ni etnia.
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Right to healthcare

poster for tomorrow, the international poster competition, is proud to announce the launch of its 2015 edition: Open Up! Universal access to healthcare now!

Every year poster for tomorrow chooses a basic human right to address. In 2015 it’s the universal right to healthcare


Health care worldwide

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