Laura Braddick

United States

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Prostitution is viewed as a dangerous profession. But is it inherently dangerous? Or are people who choose to do sex work denied the right to safe and healthy working conditions because of puritanical beliefs and social stigmas? Prostitution should be legalized and regulated like any industry in order to safeguard the people practicing the world's oldest profession from exploitation and vulnerability.
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Work Right!

We all have the right to work without discrimination or exploitation of our gender, age, nationality or physical condition. 

We all have the right to work for a wage that is fair reward for our labour and that will enable us to support ourselves and our families.

The right to work protects us from child labour, gender and age discrimination and exploitation in all its forms. It entitles us all to the same opportunities, benefits and protection from exploitation or malpractice.


Prostitution is not dangerous.

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