
Jeannette Realpe


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Este afiche grafica mediante una relación matemática y geométrica ficticia, la relación de igualdad entre el cromosoma 23 XX (que determina el sexo de la mujer) con el cromosoma 23 XY (que determina el sexo del hombre). Está ilustrado a manera de un plano dibujado sobre papel heliográfico, de ahí su tonalidad azul.
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Gender Equality Now!

On 8 March 2012 poster for tomorrow launched its 4th annual call for entries, this time to promote gender equality. The condition of women has undergone undeniable improvements during the last century. But these improvements haven’t happened everywhere and where they have been the strongest they are far from being strong enough.
We need gender equality now, because more opportunities for women are more opportunities for us all.



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