verónica García Cornejo


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Concepto: Es un pan o bolillo como mejor se conoce aquì en mexico y es algo muy basico en nuestra comida, el cual tiene hojas como un libro, es decir, un pan libro del cual nos podriamos comer diario como cualquier alimento. Composicion: centreda Color: negros, blancos y tonos calidos. Tipografia: Caligrafica Percepcion:Es un bolillo libro
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Right to Education

2011 call for entries asked for posters to promote the Right to Education. We believe that education gives people across the whole world the chance to break the cycle of poverty: to live in a more equal world without discrimination, where everybody has the same chance to learn the same skills and enjoy the same success. To enjoy a better tomorrow. And all that makes it the perfect subject for poster for tomorrow to address.


the daily bread

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