Over the last fourteen years Skopje Poster Festival has grown into one of the world's most respected events for graphic design students. The festival has provided joy, hope and inspiration for thousands of students. But now it is under threat.
Plakart, the non-profit organisation that arranges the festival, has had its funding withdrawn by the Macedonian Ministry of Culture and is now unable to continue the festivals.
So let's Save Skopje Poster Festival!
This is what Laze Tripkov, Founder of Skopje Poster Festival, says:
“Skopje Poster Festival is the only student poster competition in the South Eastern Europe launched in 2008 in partnership with the Warsaw Poster Biennale, City of Warsaw and the City of Skopje and received in 2009 the financial support of the Macedonian Ministry of Culture. It promotes the social responsibility through the design workshops and lectures, as well student exchange of ideas and networking.
Since 2018 we have lost our Ministry of Culture financial support, that turned our festival lights off!“
To support Skopje Poster festival by making a donation please click here!